Why Romanian Honey ?

Romania is one of the European Union's most important honey producers , placed on third place after France and Spanish production-- so much so that the country's industry can't keep up with demand. More than 50% of its honey is exported. In Romania, the beekeeping was favored by a mild climate and a generous nature, a true apicultural paradise that flowers from May to October: beefriendly plants varied, linden and acacia vast forests, many areas of fruit trees, oilseed rape and sunflower. Forests cover 29% of the country surface, with 218,500 ha of virgin forests and they include Acacia and Tilia species, and produce large amount of high quality acacia and linden honey.


Last years, in the European Union, Romania was constantly present in the top three honey producers. The harvesting areas from Romania support production of high-quality honey, because of their large biodiversity. The overlapping biogeography of Romania, is associated with a diversity of the agro-pedo-climatic condition, leading to large diversity of plant species producing nectar and pollen wich are perfect for multiflower honey production and also for the organic honey production. A large area of wild, unspoiled meadows, offer further support for the biodiversity and honey bee harvesting.


Europe, Romania

County Alba- Town Blaj

Street Gheorghe Baritiu, No.32, 515400

Phone: +004 0756 114 419

mail: office@apidava.ro

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