Romanian Beekeeping

Romania has a long tradition in beekeeping, having today around 40.000 beekeepers with 1.920. 000 bee-colonies, and producing around 22.000 tones/ year.

Romania's melifere base consists of 5 million hectars,among these 3 millions hectars can be capitalized by bees in production and harvesting.

In our country,there are,according to natural regions,more types of picking, such us:

 -main harvest for accacia and sun flower in Danube Plain and Dobrogea region (the east of the country,near the Black Sea)

-main harvest for accacia ,sun flower and linden in Podisul Moldovei (the east of Romania,near the Moldavian border)

-moderate harvest for cultivated plants and accacia in West Plain (in the west of Romania,near the Hungarian border)

-moderate harvest for meadows,in Podisul Transilvaniei(Transilvania,the region in the centre of Romania)

-main harvest for raspberry and moderate harvest for meadows in Carphatians Mountain

-moderate harvest for fruit trees and main for natural meadows,pastures in fruit growing regions.



Europe, Romania

County Alba- Town Blaj

Street Gheorghe Baritiu, No.32, 515400

Phone: +004 0756 114 419


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