Our story beggins in 1992


Apidava is a family business run by Mr. Victor Mates togheter with hi's family. He started hi's business in 1992, as a hobby beekeeper – with 20 beehives, while he was a physics teacher at the local highschool.


Nowdays Apidava can be considered the honey fortress, the place where we produce, for more than 32 years only high superior quality honey, a 100% pure product, gained on natural ways, from the special flora of the Transilvanian plane.


Apidava name comes from the dacian word "dava" which means "fortified residence, fortress", and "api" which comes from latin, and it means "bee". The dacian and latin fundamentals of the romanian people, made us choose a name that represents our lands and testify our tradition in apiculture, in obtaining and selecting superior quality natural honey.


The experience of over 32 years that Mr. Victor Mates has – the person that founded our company in 1992 – in obtaining, selecting and sorting quality honey, storing, packing and promoting, helped us to always offer our clients the best honey on the market, being on first place in our clients preferences.



Europe, Romania

County Alba- Town Blaj

Street Gheorghe Baritiu, No.32, 515400

Phone: +004 0756 114 419

mail: office@apidava.ro

© Apidava 2024

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